Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I love going to bed. Love getting my pajamas on, opening my book (yes, a real book, not an electronic book) and getting into bed - then falling asleep. It is so simple and easy. Why is it so hard for my two five year old daughters to see that.

Tonight this was the drill. After about 5 minutes of really annoying silliness, they finally got their pajamas on. Then the laughing fit started. Well, you know that is trouble, because they sleep in the same room. So there is no stopping that - except when I shove the toothbrushes in their mouths. Then the lotion, Eden was itchy, Clara had a sore throat - dealt with all that. Then, there was the gymnastics trick they learned in P.E. today that I promised them they could show me later. I don't know what they are teaching in P.E. these days to kindergarteners, but I am hopeful it is not what I saw! This trick was Clara scratching Eden's head and calling them a dog name then telling them to sit?! Yikes.

Finally, into bed. Clara no longer wants to be tucked in on both sides (comforter between mattress and boxspring) - it is getting to tight. Rudolph, her new stuffed animal, has to be properly put to bed. Eden now also no longer wants to be tucked in on both sides and her "special" blanket which she absolutely needs, but hasn't seen in months must be found. Okay, good. Good night.

Five minutes later...I am hot, I need chapstick - "hey, that is the kind Chloe has," my pants are bothering me, I have too much stuff in my bed. Finally, I have to threaten them with, "if either of you get out of bed again there will be no friend over on Friday." I hate pulling that card - but it worked! Good night...hopefully.

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