Monday, April 25, 2011

Ideal Bookshelf

Our family has a big graduation coming up mid-May. My younger brother, Tim, will be receiving his Doctorate in Geoscience and Biogeochemistry (I know that is like spelling Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious).

So I have been searching for the perfect graduation gift. You know the gift, the very meaningful, truly personal, one-of-a-kind gift that only exists in your head.

But I realized it doesn't just exist in my head, it actually exists. It is called Ideal Bookshelf. Artist Jane Mount actually paints a one-of-a-kind painting of your "ideal bookshelf."

In her words, "I paint people's ideal bookshelves: your favorite books, books that changed your life, books that made you who you are. I think of this project as an intimate form of portraiture; a way to illustrate who the subject is on the inside instead of out. I love that a book is something created very personally and then mass-produced in order to affect many other people very personally. I paint them to turn them back into something very personal and intimate. In the age of the Kindle (which I also love, btw), it's very satisfying."

So, today I called my brother and told him about his graduation gift, so much for a surprise gift. But can you imagine choosing someone else's favorite books.

Anyway, there are a lot of options, you can choose the number of books, framing, etc. It takes a couple months, but I think it will be well worth the wait. She also offers gift cards, so it can still be a surprise. What a great birthday gift or father's day or mother's day gift or anniversary gift.

What books would be on your list? This has got me thinking?

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