Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Old Gray Hair

This is not a post about a rabbit.

This is not a post about an old horse.

This is a post about my gray hair and Dave, who finally, after almost fourteen years of marriage and at least, the last six, of which I have been coloring my gray hair, actually noticed how gray/white it really was. Yesterday, we were walking into the gym, I had my hair pulled back into a ponytail with a headband on and there it was, he saw it. He tried to be nice. Hoping to not offend me says, "Is that how white your hair would be if you didn't color it?"

"Yes, it would."

"Wow," he replied. I wasn't sure how to take that. I have been trying to decide lately if I should cut it really short, go away for six months, and just come back with white hair. I ran that idea by him. Mostly thinking about how nice a six-month vacation would be. He didn't object, especially when I told him how much it cost to color my hair every five weeks.

This is a post about that point in your life when you decide that no matter how ridiculous you look in a hat, you will wear one anyway.

Six days until the next hair appointment.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Over the last 20 years, Community Supported or Community Shared Agriculture (CSA) has become a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Here are the basics: a farmer offers a certain number of "shares" to the public. Typically the share consists of a box of vegetables, but other farm products may be included. Interested consumers purchase a share (aka a "membership" or a "subscription") and in return receive a box (bag, basket) of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season.

This arrangement creates several rewards for both the farmer and the consumer. In brief...

Advantages for farmers:

1. Get to spend time marketing the food early in the year, before their 16 hour days in the field begin
2. Receive payment early in the season, which helps with the farm's cash flow
3. Have an opportunity to get to know the people who eat the food they grow

Advantages for consumers:

1. Eat ultra-fresh food, with all the flavor and vitamin benefits
2. Get exposed to new vegetables and new ways of cooking
3. Usually get to visit the farm at least once a season
4. Find that kids typically favor food from "their" farm – even veggies they've never been known to eat
5. Develop a relationship with the farmer who grows their food and learn more about how food is grown

CSAs aren't confined to produce. Some farmers include the option for shareholders to buy shares of eggs, homemade bread, meat, cheese, fruit, flowers or other farm products along with their veggies. Sometimes several farmers will offer their products together, to offer the widest variety to their members. For example, a produce farmer might create a partnership with a neighbor to deliver chickens to the CSA drop off point, so that the CSA members can purchase farm-fresh chickens when they come to get their CSA baskets. Other farmers are creating standalone CSAs for meat, flowers, eggs, and preserved farm products. In some parts of the country, non-farming third parties are setting up CSA-like businesses, where they act as middle men and sell boxes of local (and sometimes non-local) food for their members.

There is an important concept woven into the CSA model that takes the arrangement beyond the usual commercial transaction. That is the notion of shared risk. When originally conceived, the CSA was set up differently than it is now. A group of people pooled their money, bought a farm, hired a farmer, and each took a share of whatever the farm produced for the year. If the farm had a tomato bonanza, everyone put some up for winter. If a plague of locusts ate all the greens, people ate cheese sandwiches. Very few such CSAs exist today, and for most farmers, the CSA is just one of the ways their produce is marketed. They may also go to the farmers market, do some wholesale, sell to restaurants, etc. Still, the idea that "we're in this together" remains. On some farms it is stronger than others, and CSA members may be asked to sign a policy form indicating that they agree to accept without complaint whatever the farm can produce. Many times, the idea of shared risk is part of what creates a sense of community among members, and between members and the farmers. If a hailstorm takes out all the peppers, everyone is disappointed together, and together cheer on the winter squash and broccoli. Most CSA farmers feel a great sense of responsibility to their members, and when certain crops are scarce, they make sure the CSA gets served first. Still, it is worth noting that very occasionally things go wrong on a farm – like they do in any kind of business – and the expected is not delivered, and members feel shortchanged.

This is the first year the Baxyard is participating in a CSA. We have purchased shares in Heritage Acres Farm located in Fort Scott, Kansas. We are all very excited to see what we get each week. Last week was our first "harvest" and it was really fun. We received some farm fresh eggs, lots of spinach and lettuce, japanese turnips, green onions and turnips.

Mostly I am looking forward to challenging myself to create some fun new recipes with all our "new" produce. Because, you get what you get. I hope to include some new recipes ... here is the first ... and so easy.

Japanese Turnips (I will be honest I had not even heard of these until last Saturday.)

Just grab a few of these. Cut off ends and dice like potatoes. I sauteed them in butter and a little brown sugar. At the last minute I added some pine nuts and golden raisins and then served them warm for breakfast. It was a real treat. And I really hope I get some more this week. Next time you see these bad boys in the store - pick up a few.

To find your own CSA, visit Local Harvest and enter your zip code. Don't forget about all the great farmer's markets in the area also.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The View

And no, I am not talking about that show on weekday mornings.

I have been doing a lot of reading lately. Mostly to keep my mind busy and to keep myself from dwelling on some more serious, sometimes overwhelming matters. I have been desperately trying to gain perspective and to find a place that fits for me.

I recently completed Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson. It is a truly delightful love story and there were a couple of very special moments in this book.

One of which is set at Major Pettigrew's home. He and Mrs. Ali, who he is becoming very fond of, are outside his home in the back garden. As they reach a section of fence, Major Pettigrew is concerned that Mrs. Ali will notice his shabby repair work on the fence, yet all she sees is the lovely view of the sheep grazing on a sea of rolling hills.

He begins, "It's just a small view, but for some reason I never tire of coming out in the evening to watch the sun leaving the fields."

It is her comment that really struck me (and even forced me to dog-ear my page, which is something I hate to do. And yes, I still read real books with real pages.)

She replies, "I don't believe the greatest views in the world are great because they are vast or exotic. I think their power comes from the knowledge that they do not change. You look at them and you know they have been the same for a thousand years."

So, this summer, when you are on vacation, taking a photograph of the grand canyon, or the Rocky mountains, or your local park, think to yourself how long that view has been there - that is perspective.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


So this morning I was pleasantly surprised when my kids, without having to be yanked from their beds at 7:00 a.m., bounded out of bed, into the showers and ate their breakfast so quickly, we made it to early school. (Note: We only make it to early school when I absolutely have to be at work on time, Dave is out of town and I have to get my workout done early in the morning because the evening is busy. And usually every minute of those mornings involves me talking in the upper ranges of my not-so-nice-voice, i.e. yelling.)

Why? Today was our last day of school for 2010-2011. I now have a fifth grader and two first graders. I did fine today. No tears were shed and I am looking forward to the next 90 days of summer (yes, we counted, exactly 90.) For perspective, here they are on the first day...

And the last day!

Tonight, as the girls were watching Tangled and Davis was at basketball practice, I started going through papers, art projects, journals, etc. I have neatly packed it all away in my 2010-2011 school year box. Now, I am sad. I don't want to believe that in ten years that box will be how I remember my daughters' kindergarten years, but it will be.

I caught myself describing the school year as a whirlwind. During lunch this afternoon, sitting down with some friends and their kids to celebrate the last day of school, we experienced a whirlwind of another sort, a tornado. I am happy to report that there was little to no damage done by this storm. Exactly, how I was feeling as I put the lid on the box and carried it to the basement - little to no damage.

Monday, May 23, 2011

A Needed Break and Doctor Tim

I have recently returned from two really great weekends away.

The first of which was a trip to Florida with a friend. Hunter and I met several years ago when she was living in Kansas City. (This picture was taken after I had just eaten my weight in Blueberry Granola pancakes.)

Davis was a preschooler, my girls were just babies and Hunter had no children of her own. Forward four years, she lives in North Carolina, has two beautiful children and way to much time goes by between our visits. Yet, we spent three days together shopping, talking, royal wedding watching, eating, walking, running, talking, sitting by the beach, and did I mention talking. When we get together it is strange how it is as if a day has never passed since our last visit.

Then, last weekend, Dave and I managed a really great weekend away to see my brother's graduation from Penn State University. Tim received a Doctorate in Biogeochemistry and Geosciences. (Yes, it is true, I have that typed into his contact information on my phone so that I remember.) Think, he gets the degree after five amazing years of research and studying and it is all I can do to just remember the names of the degrees.

Though the weather wasn't perfect for the whole weekend, it did clear up. And just in time for a great evening at one of Tim's friends' house in Pittsburgh,

Then again for photos before graduation (and after) at the statue of JoPat (Joe Paterno - Penn State's famous football coach)

We got a tour of Tim's lab ... where it all happened.

Spent some time in the Mineral Sciences museum in the building Tim worked in.

And then finished up with a great walking tour around Penn State before we headed back to Kansas.