Friday, April 13, 2012

If you love something...


This morning while working out at Fusion I was reminded of something very small, but very important - smile!

And it got me thinking. I love, and I mean love, hard, intense workouts that really push me. I am one of those people who could work out all day - regardless! But there I was with I am sure some very intense, not pleasant look on my face and the lovely trainer reminded me to smile! It is easy. And I should have been smiling, because I loved every second of that pain!

So next time you are doing something that you love, even if it is challenging or intimidating, remind yourself you love this - and smile!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Doctors as Nutritionists...

What is not to love? The New York Times posted a great article here regarding a new wave of medical doctors also practicing as nutritionists.

Dr. Eisenberg who started “Healthy Kitchens/Healthy Lives” an organization in partnership with the Culinary Institute and the Harvard School of Public Health, based on the radical notion that if doctors could learn to channel their inner Julia Child (sans butter), they could serve as role models and cheerleaders for their patients.

He even goes as far as to say that he would be fine if his medical services were longer needed. What a breath of fresh air - don't you think?