Monday, June 20, 2011

Because these cuties don't care...

how much I weigh.

I have a habit. Every morning I get up, weigh myself, drink two glasses of water and then get dressed for the gym or to run or swim or bike or some kind of fitness. The weighing myself everyday routine began several years ago when Dave wanted a body fat scale and I obliged and got him one for Christmas. I knew I would become obsessed and I did. Some days getting on that scale feels great. Some days (usually the days where I am two pounds heavier) are awful. It is a vicious cycle as some would say.

I am breaking this habit, at least the weighing myself habit. I am finding that my mental attitude is so tied to what the scale says that day. For the next eight weeks, I have decided to only weigh myself once a week, on Fridays. I am tired of seeing the daily fluctuations, and trying to explain away the ups and downs knowing the amount of calories I take in and expend in any given day. Generally, I am a very healthy eater and I religiously work out. So, I decided that I will use Friday as my gage. As long as every Friday is the same, or close, I am good.

Do you have any idea how liberating this feels?

I am loving this. We will see if I love this as much on Friday - I will let you know.

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